Women's Work Handbags
What bag can I bring to work?
Think about what you need to take to work, the journey you take and style preferences when selecting the best work bag. If commuting via public transport, look for tote bags or shoulder bags with soft wide straps to ease shoulder pressure and a zip closure to keep handbag contents secure. The Rhodes Eddie Laptop Bag is a popular women's work bag, with a padded divider for laptops, large compartments to fit packed lunch and two detachable straps for multiple styling options.
How do you pack a tote bag for work?
Place your heaviest items like a waterbottle and lunch in first (this way if they leak, your other items will be safe from spillage). If carrying a laptop or tech devices, look for work bags with laptop compartments. Smaller items can be stored in side slip or zip pockets and cards or cash organised in wallets.