5 Signs It's Time For a New Wallet
- by Kirsty Campbell

A wallet is often the most important item you’ll carry (after your phone). It contains your money, cards, spare hair tie and a concert ticket from two years ago; the essentials if you will. But many women treat their wallet as an afterthought because it’s not visible.
Is this you? Here are 5 signs you need to show your wallet some love.

1. Size DOES Matter
With wallets, it’s an either, or situation. You either want to fit EVERYTHING IN and so need a generously-sized, roomy and well-organised wallet. Or you want to carry essentials only, preferring your wallet to be so small and compact you can slip it into any bag or pocket as needed. Now, we know there are some BIG IS BETTER wallet ladies – but over here – we are more on TEAM TINY. Less clutter to carry around. Less cards to sort through. Less space for receipts to remind you of what you’ve spent (but perhaps shouldn’t have). That’s the beauty of a small wallet or cardholder. Come over to the ‘less is more’ side.
We love the Aria Wallet for this reason, it’s small and compact while still having usable compartments. If we’re on the run or a night out, the Ava Cardholder is our go-to, with a couple of cardholders for the essentials.

2. Call in Marie Kondo – you need a wallet declutter STAT
Ok hands up if you are guilty of this: you put everything in your wallet to “sort it out later”. Except it’s been three years and you’ve still not looked at the random loyalty card from a store you’ve never been back to or filed those faded receipts. We both know it – you need a Marie Kondo cleanse to get that stagnant energy out of your wallet. And you know what she will say – unless it sparks joy – it’s time to let it go.
If you don’t know who Marie Kondo is, then do yourself a favour and look her up: her organisation tips are life-changing!!
The best thing to do here is start afresh. Separate what you use everyday from sometimes use and never used. We love using multiple wallets, purses and cardholders to store levels of ‘essentials’ and throw them all in one bigger bag.

3. Do you play the game of “WHERE IS MY WALLET”?
Let’s all agree – this is not a fun game. In fact, it’s the worst. This is your sign that you need to change your wallet to something in a fabulous bright and fun colour (like electric blue, fuschia or tangerine). This way, you will always be able to spot it from a distance and you will win the game (and save yourself a heck of a lot of time).Colour wins everytime! Our most-loved Stella Wallet is designed in gorgeous vibrant hues to brighten your day.

4. Loyalty is Overrated
But only when we’re talking about LOYALTY CARDS – which we all know we have too many of. But if you insist on keeping them all and staying in touch with the 17 companies who are offering you a 5% discount on your birthday – then you need a good wallet to organise them all. This way, when you are poised and ready to purchase – you can simply whip open your wallet, and hey presto – there is the exact card you’re looking for.Check out our contintental zip wallet – the Isla Wallet – which has all the card slots you could possibly need!

5. The Awkward Rummage
Are you the person that stands at the checkout, frantically looking through your wallet, desperately trying to find the card you need? Or perhaps you’ve safely stowed a car parking ticket in your wallet, only to lose it merely a few moments later? Does this sound familiar? This is why you need a wallet upgrade. Choose something that has distinct compartments, or zips to hold money and receipts. Or better yet – downgrade in size to a cardholder and skip all the hoarding. Keep it streamlined and you’ll be be done at the checkout in record time.
Our top picks are the Delta Wallet (because it lies flat when open, so you can see everything!) and the Tatum Cardholder, which is a minimalists dream: a couple of cardholders and a zipped space for your phone. Winning!

If you’ve been nodding along furiously to these signs – take it as a gentle nudge from the universe that you need a new wallet. Luckily we’ve got a fantastic selection for you to look through. Wink wink.
Discover the entire Wallet Collection.
Have you picked yours yet?
Louenhide xx